Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight

Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight
Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight

Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight

Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight or to make my lover dream of me can be use to keep me on his mind. Get love spells while he sleeps from our expert for maximum solution.

Love is the sweetest emotion exist on this earth, which is known for its simplicity, purity, and honesty. When someone falls in love with his or her desired person. Everything takes a new turn in spite of old things.

Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight
Love Spell To Dream of Me Tonight

Many of you want true love in your life, with whom you can share your all emotions, feelings, good times, bad times, and other things.

Falling in love may seem the most comfortable thing. But fulfilling such passion does not even as easy as you think. Once need to put his or her lot of efforts to make a relationship successful

But here we do expect a more from our desired person. We want that our desired person should also take an interest in us without the interruption of any other third person

We wish him or her to love us back, same the way we do to him or her. But every time such a thing is not possible, we expect that our desired person must watch us in his or her dreams while making love. We do a lot of things, by which our lover also starts loving us back, same the way we do to him or her.

In today’s article, we bring some solutions and suggestions for you, by which you would able to make your lover back to you. Your desired person starts dreaming about you, and watch you in his or her dreams.

Here we bring some best spells for you to perform on your desired person.

Spell To Make My Lover Dream of Me

Spell To Make My Lover Dream of Me, We all want to appear in our lover’s dream, so that our desired person starts missing us, start dreaming about us. Dreaming about a person is missing and loving that person

  • How Will Your Lover Dream About You?

If you want that your desired person or your lover watch you in your dreams, then perform following spell, to conquer your lover


  • Two orange candles
  • One golden candle
  • One red candle
  • Cinnamon Oil
  • Dill Herbs
  • Incense oil
  • Craving tool


  1. Sit at a calm and clean corner of your home, meditate for a few minutes to relax down your mind and body. As a result, you would able to perform spells more appropriately.
  2. Anoint candles with incense oil and cinnamon oil, crave your name on one Orange candle. Your lover’s name on another orange candle.
  3. Put red candle and golden candle, on both side of the two orange candles, now burn all candles start from orange candles
  4. Then sprinkle dill herb around the candles properly, now recite following words to complete the spell:

Hope my love come back to my life,

May my passion start loving me again as I do,

Hope the heart of my love starts melting as these candles melt,

May the powers of the universe assist me in coming in my lover’s dreams

Let the candles burn entirely out on their own, and let the remaining material into the running water, to make a new connection between you and your lover

Spell To Keep Me On His Mind

Spell To Keep Me On His Mind, Many women always want to remain in their desired person’s mind. Which means their lovers still love them? Do not forget about them for a single moment, it also causes missing and loves for that person

  • How Can I Keep Myself On My Lover’s Mind?

Now your lover can quickly remind you, even he does not also forget you for a single second if you will perform a spell which we are going to suggest to you.


  • One white birthday candle
  • One pink birthday candle
  • Rose oil
  • Poppy seeds
  • Lighter
  • Gardenia oil


  1. Choose the calm and clean corner of your home, where you can process this spell.
  2. Now anoint both candles by rubbing gardenia oil and rose oil on them. Then place them on the altar in the position by which they can touch each other. Burn their bottoms to make them stand on the platform as they are in small size, and specialized for birthday cakes.
  3. Sprinkle poppy seeds on the candle and across the candles as well to make a circle around the candles, then burn the candles.
  4. Now meditate until candles burn out completely, think about him, imagine you both are spending quality time together and making love in your thoughts.
  5. Perform this ritual until you get positive results from your lover’s end. Within a short period, you start observing changes in your desired person’s behavior, as he will start closing to you more and more

Love Spells While He Sleeps

Love Spells While He Sleeps, Performing a spell when a person is sleeping considered as the easiest one because at that moment, no one would able to watch you or caught you while playing the period.

  • How To Perform Love Spell On Your Lover When He Sleeps?

Here we bring a love spell for your lover, by which you can attract him more towards you, so he can love you as you do to him


  • Your lover’s picture
  • White paper
  • Envelope
  • Feather
  • Black pen
  • Straight pin


  1. Sit at the calmest and clean center of your home, then cast a circle over there with the help of an object, as quarter circles are more superior than the usual rings. Thus, you should sit inside the ring and close the loop properly
  2. Write the name of your lover with a black pen over the white piece of paper
  3. Put a picture of your lover and white paper inside the envelope and seal it with the help melted the wax, then place it on the altar.
  4. Now think about that person, to whom you love the most.
  5. Hold pin and feather in your hands and start to recite the following words:

May the power of my spell, bring my lover back to me

Hope, the energy of my period, make him love me

May the power of the universe make my spell successful with all my desires

  1. Place the envelope near to your phone, do not wait for a phone call but also do not miss the call when it comes.

Love Spells To Cast On Full Moon

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Molana is a famous name in muslim world, you can ask to solve any problems related to love, life, money, land, court case, visa, luck, love, relationship etc and get solutions by quranic ways. Quranic Magic is an single place that listen your problems carefully and provide you best solution by experienced Islamic persons.

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